Retrospective - Projects Portfolio

Art Installations 2008 - 2024

Rachael Linton is an accomplished artist having exhibited her work in over 50 shows across NZ, the UK, and Europe in the past decade.

Dive deeper into each project below, where you'll find images and detailed descriptions of each show.

Latest Project

Laser Cymatics - New Zealand

Rachael is
recognised for her contributions to the art and science of
cymatics through her interactive kinetic and digital art installations.
She stands among pioneering artists worldwide who have
ventured into the realm of capturing the energetic nature of sound, bringing it into physical form. With a deep
fascination for the geometric patterns formed by sound
waves, Linton embarked on a journey to translate these
patterns so that they can be seen and explored by her audiences, both as interactive art installations and as paintings. 

Dubbed an acoustic alchemist, Linton paints intuitively, playing with the  forces of nature and allowing an aspect of the unconscious and numinous, a state of cosmic consciousness to
enter her work.

Participants in her kinetic art exhibitions have
reported deep healing experiences and altered states of consciousness
while viewing her work.

Rachael illuminates cymatics as an art & science which explains the relationship between energy and matter by using sound, light, and form in motion to create immersive and interactive experiences that
create ripples in the fabric of space-time.

Past Projects

Exhibition History

by Artist Rachael Linton

  • 2024- New Zealand, a laser experiment in a yurt at a festival rooted in the underground electronic music scene. 


  • 2023 – Green-Gold Gallery, New Zealand, permanent Exhibition.rimentn a yurt at a festival rooted in the underground electronic music scene.

  • 2022- Medicine Festival 2022 – Kinetic art sculpture of my interactive ‘Golden Water Gong’
  • 2022 – Buddhafield – Kinetic art sculpture of my interactive ‘Golden Water Gong’

  • 2022 – Noisily Festival – Kinetic art sculpture of my interactive ‘Golden Water Gong’

  • 2022 – The Cymatone Project, Portugal, Vocal toning experiment with the Golden Water Gong.

  • 2020 – Medicine Festival, The Golden Water Gong with a levitating ceiling for projections. Interactive Kinetic art.

  • 2019 – Delta House Open Studios, Golden Water Gong, Kinetic Art and fine art, group show. 2019 – Birdwood House, Totnes, UK, Solo fine Art exhibition. 2019 – Into the Wild, Golden Water Gong, Kinetic Art

  • 2019 – Breaking Convention – Golden Water Gong, Kinetic Art

  • 2018 – Magical Woods festival. Installation of the first rendition of my interactive kinetic art installation, the Golden Water Gong, in the trees, day and night.

  • 2018 – Heritage Craft Association, 45min film & trailer made of me teaching gilding on the back of the Cutty Sark as part of the Endangered crafts ‘Red List’ movement.

  • 2018 – Wells Cathedral & St Albans Cathedral were two of the seven destinations of 1066 – A Medieval Mosaic Exhibition Tour.

  • 2018 – Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Teaching Gilding.

  • 2018 – Totnes and Dartington Open studios, exhibition paintings and fine art.

  • 2018 – Oxford open Doors with 1066, A Medieval Mosaic.

  • 2017 – Kinetic art sculpture of the interactive ‘Golden cymatics Gong Bath’ at several outdoor festivals.

  • 2017 – The Psychedelic Society, Cyberdelics Incubator, Lecture on the development of my VR Digital therapy.

  • 2016 – 950th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings in Hastings, A Medieval Mosaic, Guinness World Record, A recreation of the Bayeux Tapestry. Collaboration by father and daughter team, made of 3 million tiny pieces of steel, a 33-year artistic odyssey. visit to find out more about this true masterpiece.

  • 2015 – Astronomy Fair, Marbling Cymatics, art display, and teaching the properties of Cymatics to the public.

  • 2015 – STEM Big Bang South East, careers fair, cymatics art display demonstrating cymatics and what it’s like to be a full-time artist for a living to 9-19 year school kids.

  • 2015 – Mind Body Spirit Festival, Olympia, London, Crystal Cymatics, Digital media fine art, live video immersive installation in collaboration with sound healer Tiffany Keywood and the Soul Dome 360° immersive Cinema.

  • 2014 – Kinetica, Old Truman Brewery, London, Aura Illuminator, Interactive Digital art installation in which the viewers experienced their aura in a hand-painted mica black mirror.

  • 2014 – Brighton Digital Festival, The New Sublime. Phoenix Gallery, Brighton – Cymatics Response, Digital art installation, technical collaboration.

  • 2014 – Digital Art Gong Show, Phoenix Gallery, Brighton, Speaking about my digital art and cymatics film therapy.

  • 2014 – Kymatic Konference, Black forest, Germany, A multinational conference. I was interviewed about my art and research for a cymatics documentary by a world expert in the field, Jeff Volk.

  • 2014 – Mind Body Spirit Festival, Olympia, London, Painting exhibition.

  • 2014 – Brighton Digital Festival, Zu Studios, Sounds Holographic, Multimedia performance and Kinetic Art installation with a gong bath and live cymatics translation. Presented inside the Soul Dome 360° immersive Cinema.

  • 2013 – Mind Body Spirit Festival, Olympia, London, Cymatics interactive kinetic digital installation.

  • 2013 – Brighton Fringe Festival, Brighton, Jubilee Square, Eon Solace – Collaboration with Sound healer Rowan Sterk and the Soul Dome 360° immersive Cinema.

  • 2013 – The Omnia Scroll Exhibition in Venice, Gold and Silver fine art prints, now in a private collection.

  • 2012 – TSB Bank Wallace Arts Trust, Pah Homestead, New Zealand, Solo exhibition of gilded paintings in pure gold, silver & copper. 6 artworks in the private collection of Sir James Wallace.

  • 2008 – Masters exhibition of Digital Art and Thesis ‘Sound Vision’. Could the Visual form of sound be therapeutic?

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