Rachael Linton
About the Artist
Artist Rachael Linton specializes in working with the resonance of precious metals and sound vibrations. She has innovatively transformed the concept of CYMATICS, which captures and solidifies sound wave vibrations, into physical paintings. Her pioneering technique preserves these sound waves as intricate wavelike patterns on art panels, allowing them to be displayed vertically on the wall.
Using digital tone generators, musical instruments, acoustic sonifiers, and the human voice, she harnesses sound vibrations to create paintings that ripple with geometric patterns, known as cymatics. Her abstract works, inspired by nature and cosmic themes, bridge the gap between science and art.

Rachael uses an intuitive approach to her painting, valuing improvisation, allowing an aspect of the unconscious and numinous forces of nature to influence her work. Drawing on her background in gold leaf gilding and traditional restoration techniques, she illuminates her fine art pieces with 24ct precious metal leaf, lustrous pigments, and genuine gold powder to play with reflective light, colour and the perception of the viewer.
Rachaels Original Paintings
Rachael Linton is inspired by cymatics which visually describes the relationships between energy and matter by creating harmonious, sacred geometry patterns. Her work has brought pure elation to many of her tens of thousands of viewers. With the publishing of the new Peter Guy Manners book ‘CYMATICS’ makes Rachael Linton one of the leading figures in the world of cymatic art and research.
Her art delves into the mysteries of the natural world, exploring themes of harmony and chaos, light and illumination, and cosmic space exploration. She unites her improvisational painting techniques with her intuition, resulting in abstract paintings that tap into the unconscious and evoke a cosmic consciousness. Her work is reminiscent of planetary landscapes, creating ripples in the fabric of space-time and her digital artwork shifts and changes the energy in the atmosphere and in space.
With a Masters in Visual Communication Design from Massey University, Wellington, Linton brings her academic background and artistic vision to the panel. Her interactive and immersive exhibitions have received widespread acclaim, with participants reporting profound, contemplative, dellpy profound as well ad healing and therapeutic experiences while viewing her work.
Significant artworks
Art Installations
Golden Water Gong 2014 - 2024
The Golden Water Gong is one of the most significant work of art created by Rachael Linton. It is an interactive art installation that has captivated the hearts and minds of tens of thousands of people, who have had the chance to play with it and witness the magic of sound come to life. With just a gong and water, the kinetic art installation brings to life the mesmerising patterns of sound made visible, known as cymatics, in a visual display of beauty and wonder. The Golden Water Gong is a true testament to the power of sound and its ability to bring people together.
“I love seeing how the Golden Water Gong evokes awe, reverence, and total fascination in people. They gaze in contemplation, captivated by the patterns, it looks like they have encountered something holy, transcendent, and beyond the realm of ordinary experience. It’s a cosmic world for them to explore.”
Discover more immersive art installations:
Digital Cymatics 2008-2014
Rachael Linton’s digital artwork have amazed audiences across the UK, Europe, New Zealand for over a decade.
Her cymatics installations, showcased at festivals such as the Kinetica Art Fair, Brighton DigitalFestival, Breaking Convention, Mind Body Spirit Festivals, and Noisily Festivals have touched the lives of thousands of people. Her immersive & interactive experiences have generated deep healing experiences and subconscious recollections for participants. Her work aims to enhance our understanding of ourselves and reality by enabling new forms of experience where the mind, body, and consciousness become the medium. Linton explores the relationship between energy, and the physical body by using coloured lights and sound vibration to evoke a sixth sense and state of transcendent wonder in her viewers.
Her cosmic art exhibitions create ripples in the fabric of space-time.
Rachael is the the administrator of the 15k Facebook group and is
recognised as a leader in the field of cymatics.
A Worldwide Community